Sharyn Bovat Learned about the Middle East by GOING to the Middle East

~Sharyn Bovat Learned about the Middle East by GOING to the Middle East~

Years ago a guy in uniform serving America at an American “administrative center” (basically an 'unofficial' military base) in Bahrain told her that

“Christian Lebanese business men were ‘talented’...they controlled the country. The successful ones could “blow” a Sunni while jacking off a Shiite.” YES the language is “vulgar” ... 

but boys talk tough when their defending democracy and America’s interest overseas
Another guy said

"Lebanese arms dealer slither and their only loyalty is to the greenback".....  

Also said to her “Hezbollah loving bastards want Americans dead and we have to keep our 'eyes' open when dealing with TERRORIST. “

Funny thing.... People at the American Embassy were "friends" with Hezbollah supporters and a "well known" Lebanese "journalist"even hosted a group of foreign service officers to a New Years Eve Party. The FRENCH champagne flowed.....

It was confusing to talk to US soldiers who had a "different" opinion of the pro Shite groups/allies. The opinion they had was those groups "linked" to Iran wanted to KILL Americans.

Here's the link to the "original" blog post from a LONG time ago:


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